Actionable Data From Every Street Corner™

The point of the smart city is improving quality of life. That’s why it’s smart to plan and build with Relay®. The sensor technology fits invisibly in waste receptacles on every corner, measuring a range of data at the street level – from fill level, weight and rummaging to CO2 emissions, noise pollution and foot traffic. Actionable data you can use to improve air quality, noise levels, rodent prevention, health issues and, yes, quality of life in every zip code. Measuring success is a challenge. Relay is a powerful solution and competitive edge.

Street Level Sensing™

  • GPS Location

    Automatically provides longitude and latitude coordinates of each container. A geocoding service automatically looks up the container’s current street address and updates its location. This saves time, money and aggravation when relocating containers for events or reassignment.

  • Fill Level

    Optimization of collection fleet reduces fuel expenses, traffic congestion, resource costs, and CO2 emissions. Elimination of overfilling improves aesthetic appeal and community satisfaction. Collection crews are notified of assignments with flexible and configurable fill level alerts.

  • Weight

    Measured weight ± 3 lbs (1.36 kg). Gather weight data within trash containers and recycling bins to improve landfill diversion rates and recycler accountability. Ensure compliance with employee labor restrictions.

  • Temperature

    Includes high temperature alerts that can indicate a fire within a container. Measure the temperature of every container within the city to identify areas with atypically high heat levels. Provide analytical support for future plantings if there is insufficient tree coverage.

  • Rummaging

    User-enabled rummaging and rodent detection looks for specific patterns in the measurements it records that indicate rodent movement within the container. Use the data to uncover specific problem areas and key surrounding contributors.

Environmental Sensing

  • Noise

    Detection and alerts for gunfire, construction and other outdoor nuisances. Coming soon.

  • Pedestrian Activity

    Detection and alerts on pedestrian counts, direction, flow and crowds. Identify high use areas and provide data for funding and future planning. Coming soon.

  • Climate

    Detection and reports on ambient temperature, humidity, atmospheric, altitude, and snow depth (sidewalk and street conditions). Coming soon.

  • Pollution

    Detection and alerts for air, noise, light, and chemical pollutants. Coming soon.

  • Odor

    Detection and alerts for the local area and within the container. Coming soon.

An Integrated Solution

A stealthy enclosure hidden within and compatible with most Victor Stanley receptacles, recycling stations and lids. Monitors any material type: solid waste, mixed recyclables, compost, or liquids. Our narrow beam proximity sensor outperforms commonly available ultrasonic sensors in street level containers.

What can we do for your city?

  • Future Planning

    Bins equipped with Relay sensors provide accurate, real-time data on fill level, pedestrian traffic, and much more. This means valuable insights for future planning. Identify highly trafficked areas for increased funding of projects, parks, and beautification initiatives. Identify additional receptacle needs (or unused locations).

  • Illegal Dumping

    Our Relay technology continuously monitors fill level and weight, sending a spike alert that indicates unusual fill level change and when the spike occurred. It’s valuable data that can help you stop residential dumping and overflow.

  • Heat Equity

    Receive accurate, real-time data on environmental conditions including ambient temperature throughout the city, wherever Relay equipped bins are located. Identify urban areas with higher temperatures. Provide analytical support for efforts to mitigate heat islands and prepare for extreme heat events equitably.

  • Street Level Conditions

    Potholes, graffiti, and construction sites can all be recorded, with photos and written logs. Relay sensors are paired with a platform that allows your crews to report on conditions in the field. Analyze trends to proactively manage areas of potential concern. Report on relocated or damaged bins to keep detailed records of the full container fleet. Submit custom reports to leverage the expertise of your crews into a work order system without constraints.

  • Cost Savings

    Save an estimated 70-90% in collection expenses. The data from Relay sensors can help you avoid making unnecessary collections. Save on labor costs and equipment depreciation by only dispatching crews to the containers requiring pickup. Determine which fill level is ideal for your collections, and the system will keep your crews notified.

  • Cut CO2 Emissions

    Reduce carbon footprint with efficient routing that optimizes how long collection trucks stay on the road. Improve environmental impact with a collection process free of wasted resources.

  • Ease Employment Shortages

    Pittsburgh began implementing the Relay smart waste management system to upgrade to a more efficient waste collection process. They found that a job that once required 25 people now only takes 9. Allowing workers to focus on other pressing tasks, including street repairs, cleaning up vacant lots, and improving street-level conditions in disadvantaged areas.

  • Rodent Abatement

    Relay detects rodent movement within trash containers. Identify problem areas and uncover surrounding contributors, such as overflowing dumpsters, alleyway litter, and discarded food. Treat the infestation’s root cause and not simply the symptoms. Use Relay data to measure the success of this approach over time.


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